I have learned when you win too much, people stop clapping as often.
The people who once cheered for you are now secretly plotting against you because of jealousy and envy.
Those same people do not understand your calling and the level of your value.
As you rise, the circle of your friends will normally decrease and change.
As you rise, as you elevate... the less oxygen there is to share in the atmosphere.
You must remove those negative influences otherwise they will suck all the life right out of you.
If God said it... it has to come to pass.
Revelation 3:7-8, "I know your deeds. I have set before you an open door that no man can shut."
When people treat you like you are common, don't worry and don't get upset because God wants you to see who they really are!
You have to know who to take with you as you rise and elevate and who not to take with you.
The Lord loves you too much to take you higher with dead weight.
You can't elevate with a rear view mirror because what ever is for you is in front of you. No need to look back!
Encouragement, Hope and Joy
When You Win Too Much